My, I didn't realize what a world it was out there! Where have I been all these years? I have always been a computer geek, but somehow missed out on the blogging craze. This has opened up a new world for me, since I only know one person in my town that stitches.
So, my question is, how does everyone find a balance between all the blogging and all the stitching? I could be getting much more stitching done if I wasn't perusing all these wonderful blogs. I am so eager to be able to post some pics of my finished projects.
My distractions over the past years have been typical. Very involved in daughter's ice skating, getting my son ready for college, repairing this old house we live in, supporting my husband in his work and hobbies, and working. I did do some knitting along the way. Also tried rug hooking.
Thanks to all of you for providing me with great inspiration and companionship.
I do my blog readings in the morning before work and then for a few after work. I usually only blog when it relates to stitching or if I find something inspirational. As for stitching, I do that anywhere else I can find time due to I have 4 kids under 15.
I blog as a break from stitching and other crafting. Hope you enjoy your blogging, I love your stitching and look forward to seeing more.
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